2023 budget to focus on debt mgt, measures to stabilize economy – Finance Ministry

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The 2023 budget statement will feature government’s strategies to restore and stabilize the macro economy, build resilience and promote inclusive growth and value creation, the Ministry of Finance has said in a statement released on Wednesday.

It will also feature updates on Ghana’s engagement with the International Monetary Fund for a supported programme, year-to-date macro-fiscal performance of the country, the YouStart initiative under the Ghana CARES programme, climate action strategies, fiscal measures and debt management strategies to ensure fiscal and debt sustainability and promote growth.

The Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta is expected to present the budget statement in Parliament today, Thursday November 24.

This comes after the New Patriotic Party lawmakers rescinded their decision to boycott the presentation if Mr. Ofori-Atta was going to present it.

The Members of Parliament wanted another person other than Mr Ofori-Atta to do so but after an intervention by the NPP leadership, they have agreed to allow him to present the statement.

The economy has been going through struggles with the local currency performing badly against the major trading currencies especially the Dollar.

Inflation rate has increased to 40.4 percent.

The 2023 budget is expected to address these factors and others.

By Laud Nartey/3news.com/Ghana

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