A NPP communications officer is accused of stealing GH33k from the office of Bibiani MP.

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The office of the Member of Parliament for Bibiani Anwiaso Bekwai in the Western North Region has been vandalized by unknown assailants.

Information indicates that the Member of Parliament, Alfred Obeng, was not in the office when the incident happened.

His special aide, Kwame Bekoe, and secretary, Augustina Asamoah, were, however, attacked.

Narrating the incident, Augustina Asamoah indicated that they were in the office when four well-built men entered and started destroying properties.

“I was in the office with my boss [the personal assistant for the MP],” she said.

“I left for a few minutes to buy medicine. Immediately after leaving the office, I saw four well-built men entering our office. I followed them to find out what their mission was, but without any provocation, they started destroying properties and attacking my boss.

She believes the thugs who attacked the office are members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the area.

According to her, she met two of them during the polling station election and could easily identify them.

“They broke the glass door and got my boss injured. Nobody knows their intention for attacking us but the scene created suggests they had a bad intention. I can recognize two of them, they are members of the NPP. I saw them during the polling station election,” she added.

Assembly member for Sefwi Kogyina Electoral Area, Joseph Badu, who is also a staff at the office, told host Nhyiraba Paa Kwesi Simpson on Connect FM’s Omanbapa morning show that the thugs made away with GH33,900 and other valuables.

We had about GH29,000 which the MP had left for the management of the office and an amount of GH4,900 for the forms sold for the polling station elections. They have bolted with the money, together with two laptops and two mobile phones, “he indicated.

He further accused the Communications Director of the NPP for the area, Jacob Anyimah, of fueling the attack.

“I personally saw the communications director leading the attack. He led them to attack the office and took the money away, “he stated.”

But the Communication Officer, Jacob Anyimah, has debunked the allegations leveled against him.

According to him, he went to the office with a bailiff to serve a contempt granted by the Court to the executives of the party.

“There are issues with the sale of the polling station forms. They have hoarded them at the office of the MP and sold them only to their favourites, so we went to court and an injunction was granted. They still went ahead to organize the election, so we went for contempt. We went to the office with a bailiff to serve them, and the special assistant, who is also the research officer, prevented us from serving him. “He struggled with the bailiff and, in the heat of the moment, the glass door broke,” he added.

By Eric Nana Gyetuah|Connect FM|3news.com|Ghana

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