African sports journalists train on new techniques for good practices.

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The Executive Council of the Atlantic Federation of African Press Agencies (FAAPA) has advised sports journalists to be receptive to new ideas and techniques in their work.

They should embrace the changing face of sports journalism, especially in the era of the advancement in information technology (IT) and adopt new strategies in their reportage to improve their performance in all the disciplines.

Mr. Mohammed Anis, the Secretary-General, FAAPA, said contemporary journalists ought to be more open-minded, innovative and resourceful for the benefit of the public.

Sports in general, he said, played a critical role in the integration, cultural diversity, socio-economic development and unity of Africans, therefore, those covering the sector ought to demonstrate ingenuity and high professional standards.

Mr. Anis was addressing the opening ceremony of a five-day seminar for sports journalists drawn from news agencies across Africa, in Rabat, Morocco.

The seminar is being organised by the FAAPA on the theme: “Mastery of Techniques for Good Practice of Sports Journalism.”

The objective is to build the capacity of the participants for optimal performance within the context of the emerging challenges associated with sports journalism.

It has brought together some of the seasoned and veteran sports journalists on the African continent to share experiences and also expose the participants to the rudiments in sports reporting.

Topics being discussed cover sports journalism in the digital age, sport and socio-economic development issues, sport and communication and cultural issues, ethics and professional conduct of the sports journalist.

Mr. Anis said the objectives of the seminar included sharpening the skills of the participants for better handling of issues related to the coverage of major national, regional and international sports events.

It was also to promote the exchange of experiences and to consolidate the capacities of journalists to produce innovative contents in the field of sports information, while respecting the principles of professional ethics.


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