Beahu R/C Basic School shut down due to incessant open defaecation

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The Roman Catholic Basic School at Beahu in the Ahanta West Municipality of the Western Region has been closed down by the Ghana Education Service (GES).

This follows reports of unbridled and incessant acts of open defaecation in the classrooms and the staff common room allegedly by some unidentified residents in the Beahu community.

The Roman Catholic Basic School at Beahu has for months become a target for open defaecation from some members of the community for no immediately known reason.

Almost every week, for the past year, staff and students will come and meet at least two or more classrooms and the staff common room sprayed with human excreta.

They will open the doors to see tables and chairs, teaching boards and other teaching materials smeared with human excreta.

The students, left with no option, will have to spend a greater part of their morning disinfecting the school amidst whining.

Several emergency meetings involving management of the school, parents and opinion leaders have been occasioned by the open defaecation. Announcements on community radios pleading with the perpetrators to stop have perhaps worsened the plight of the school as the practice continues unabated.

A dejected Assembly member for Beahu, Kenneth Obeng, told Connect FM that the school was closed down on Monday, February 7.

“I received a call last week Friday that some unscrupulous persons have again defaecated in one of the classrooms at the Catholic School. I called the PTA and informed them. Perhaps because of how bad the situation was, the kids were sent home. We had a meeting later in the evening to strategize on how to ensure that the unfortunate practice ceases. But on Monday, GES came to close the school down.”

He said he will be meeting with the Western Region Director of the Ghana Education Service on the possibility of opening the school on Monday, February 14.

“…so what we are going to do now is that, we will put lights at vantage points in the school. The new head teacher has also agreed to re-engage the services of a security person. The community has also set up a monitoring taskforce to go after the perpetrators. And so, I believe these measures will help.”

When contacted, the Western Region Director of the Ghana Education Service, Felicia Agyeibea Okai, told the news team that he was yet to get a report from the Ahanta West Municipal Directorate of the Ghana Education Service on the matter and will only speak when she has the report.

By Eric Yaw Adjei|Connect FM||Ghana

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