Dagbon Traditional Council launches development fund

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The Dagbon Traditional Council, has launched a fund to mobilize resources to strengthen and aid the socio-economic development among the people in the traditional area.

The fund, dubbed: “Dagbon Development Fund (DDF)”, seeks to mobilize resources that would help to rebrand the Dagbon Chieftaincy institution to become a major driver of development, and make the area economically competitive through research and innovations, technology-driven agriculture, robust transport systems among others.

The DDF, which would partner government, the Northern Development Authority, and other corporate institutions, also aims at investing in leadership training for traditional rulers and elders, rebuild its governance structure, introduce appropriate interventions to promote peace building and cultural rejuvenation in the area.

Ya-Na Abukari II, the Overlord of Dagbon, who launched the DDF document, in Tamale, said it was a comprehensive plan that would alleviate the socio-economic challenges among the people of the Dagbon traditional area.

He said a strong financial management system would be put in place to ensure appropriate management of the fund and also oversee the successful implementation of projects that would be proposed.

“Through DDF, we will pursue sustainable development in Dagbon such as increasing gender equity and women empowerment for the total transformation of the traditional area, increase access to quality education at all levels and promote social protection for the vulnerable”, he added.

Ya-Na appealed to the government, international development agencies, the business community, and philanthropic organizations as well as corporate individuals to contribute to the fund to help achieve its intended purpose.

Meanwhile, a committee to oversee the successful mobilization of resources and implementation of planned projects has been inaugurated.

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