Flood disrupts business for spare part dealers

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Brisk business activities in Accra’s major spare part business area was on Friday disrupted by a four-hour downpour.

Shops did not open at the usual time of between 0630-0700hours as roads from Kasoa, Weija, Dansoman, Odorkor, Darkuman through Kaneshie to Obetsebi Lamptey were submerged.

A few traders defied the downpour but could not open their shops at Darkuman-Kokompe and Abossey-Okai, the Ghana News Agency observed.

Nana Sakye, a trader at Darkuman Junction said he had lost a business deal to supply vehicle rims to a company due to the inundation.

“A client urgently needed 100 pieces of rims to be sent to Kumasi. My route to the workplace was flooded so we had to wait for it to recede. Even when it did, the commercial vehicle had to use a longer route before reaching my work. I was very late so the bus that was coming to pick up the goods left,” he narrated.

He appealed to Government to re-engineer the drainage system to save businesses from total collapse.

“As soon as the rain starts, customers fear to come because of the flood. Business activities come to a standstill anytime it rains,” he added.

A few other traders said it was a bad omen for the weekend.

The GNA observed that busy highways did not see the regular congestions as cars were forced to use alternative routes with big vehicles using inner lanes and floodwaters taking over outer lanes.

Houses along the roads were flooded with some residents seen salvaging a few property.

Some formal sector workers told the Ghana News Agency that the flood situation always affected their productivity with many not going to work.

Mr Selassi Ameh, a Civil Servant, said he often got to work three hours late whenever the area got flooded.

Dr Worlanyo Kwadjo Siabi, Chief Executive Officer of Community Water and Sanitation Agency, said studies had shown that such torrential rains were as a result of climate change and encouraged the populace to check weather reports regularly, especially when going out.

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