Foreign Affairs Ministry denies knowledge of Ghana Card as e-passport

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has denied knowledge of the widely circulated report that Ghana’s National Identity Card, the Ghana Card, is set to be recognized globally as a valid e-passport.

Speaking on Akoma FM’s current affairs and political show GhanAkoma on Thursday, February 10, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong, explained that “the report is not emanating from my ministry; hence, officially I cannot confirm that Ghana Card is now an e-passport.”

The Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, who doubles as a Member of Parliament for Asante Mampong, told the host of the show, Aduanaba Kofi Asante Ennin, that “as at yesterday at 9pm, I was in a meeting with my minister and she denied that and said the topic is news to her because officially the report is not from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Wednesday, February 9 reported that holders of the Ghana Card, as well as its future biometric equivalents, can present it as official documentation at all 197 (ICAO) compliant countries and 44,000 airports worldwide and board flights to Ghana.

Mr. Ampratwum further explained that the report is not officially from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so further questions must be directed to the outfit that published the report.

Maybe the report is from a higher authority because my minister and her two deputies, of which I am part, are not privy to the said report, “he added.

By Nana Asenso Mensah|Akoma FM||Ghana

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