Ghana has been advised to restore its ties with the East.

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Positive Action Now, a pressure group within the Convention People’s Party (CPP), says it welcomes the congratulatory message from the President of the Russian Federation, Vladmir Putin, on the 65th anniversary of Ghana’s independence from British colonial rule.

A statement issued by the group said Ghana represents an important place in Africa’s liberation struggle and its position in global affairs is highly recognized due to the influence Ghanaians have had on the international scene.

“On this occasion we would like to appeal to the Government of Ghana to seek alternatives in international relations and not to over rely on countries that have for years imposed their dictates on the people of this country.

Ghana must renew its relations with the East and build strong relations across the southern hemisphere in order to survive the imperial control of the United States and its European allies.

“We wish to thank the people of Ghana for their peaceful co-existence and hope that our peace and development would be consolidated with greater relations with countries such as Russia,” the statement signed by Amoro Mpuse, National Coordinator said.


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