Ghana unwaveringly supports Ukraine – Permanent Representative to the United Nations

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The Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ghana to the United Nations, Harold Adlai Agyeman, has reiterated the country’s support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Making a statement at an emergency UN Security Council meeting just before the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops on Thursday, Ambassador Agyeman described the development in Ukraine as troubling.

“The situation has implications not only for Ukraine and its immediate neighbors but also for all our countries,” he stated on Wednesday, February 23.

“Security is indivisible and the insecurity of one is the insecurity of all.”

The emergency meeting came a couple of days after the UN Security Council met on the developments in the region on Monday, February 21.

Ghana’s representative at the UN stated: “We note with concern the risks that an escalation of the situation in Ukraine holds for global peace and security and stress that those that choose the path of conflict rather than peace bear the consequences of their actions.”

“We are concerned by reports of the commencement of hybrid warfare against Ukraine, especially attempts to cyberattack some of its critical infrastructure.”

Ambassador Agyeman further urged Russia to reconsider its intentions, urging calm in Ukraine.

It may beg the question, but nonetheless, it is worth repeating. Ghana unreservedly stands by the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, a bona fide Member State of the United Nations, whose membership in this Organization provides for her guarantees over her internationally recognized borders, the same borders with which she joined this Organization. ”

Already, world leaders have condemned the move by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The European Union met on Thursday to decide on the next line of action.

But Ghana urged all “to exercise restraint on the respective unsettled but accepted situations across the globe and to uphold the collective security mechanism established through the Charter of the United Nations”.

“Any differences that may exist in international relations must be adjusted by peaceful and legal means.”

By Emmanuel Kwame Amoh (|Ghana)

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