Gunshots rang out in Bawku once more, alarming people who were hesitant to provide information.

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There are still sporadic gun shots in Bawku in the Upper East Region on Tuesday dawn but police say residents are not willing to give them information regarding where the gunshots were heard.

Police say between 4am and 5am on Tuesday, gunshots were heard in areas such as “behind the Bawku Zongo, behind the Bawku Stadium, and an area called Sadogo”.

The Bawku Municipal Police Commander, Superintendent Simon Akabati, who revealed this on 3FM‘s Sunrise on Tuesday, explained that “the military and the police quickly responded this morning, but no arrests were made because the residents were tight-lipped”.

People have tight lips. They don’t want to talk if you ask them where they heard the gun shots. They are not prepared to give us information, “he explained.

An 81-year-old man, Mohammed Aborli, who is a Fulani, was shot dead after sporadic shootings were recorded in Bawku on Monday, March 14.

According to the police, it is unclear what instigated the shooting.

This triggered police-military action and 18 persons were picked up on Monday.

Supt. Akabati told Sunrise host Alfred Ocansey that “there has been a ban on motor riding in Bawku and we heard that 81-year-old Fulani was riding a motorbike at the time of the shooting”.

18 for court

Supt Akabati explained that “the police and military were on the ground and 18 people had been arrested.”

“They are in custody. They are being processed for court [Tues]day”.

He explained that the 18 were not arrested only in connection with the murder of the 81-year-old man but for other related offences.

“It’s not only directed at the shooting and killing of the man. Some are also involved in armed robbery so screening would be done this morning before they are processed for court.”

By Kweku Antwi-Otoo||Ghana

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