It’s time to show Christian charity- Mahama

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Former President John Dramani Mahama has called on Christians to help sustain humanity through the times with selfless love.

He said the church’s charge to provide for physical needs had been endorsed by Christ, both in deeds and in parables; therefore, the State “must continue to be a partner” of religious institutions.

Mr. Mahama was addressing the thanksgiving ceremony of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church’s 175th year anniversary celebrations, held at the Jubilee Park in Ho.

Noting the present difficult economic situation, the former President called for increased consideration for one another and the strengthening of bonds of relations and neighbourliness. 

“I will encourage the Church to spread love to the congregation, and to all. We should be bold to project the values that Christ strengthened.

“We must always spread Christian love especially in these times when ‘money doesn’t like noise.’ Times are hard, and it is time to show Christian charity by loving our neighbour, especially our relatives. Share your love with your neighbour, “he said.

He spelled out the expanse of the EP Church’s establishment, which included almost a thousand congregations and hundreds of schools, including colleges and a university, and said it formed part of the crucial structures of the nation.

The ceremony had several MPs from the Minority Caucus, national and regional executives and supporters of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in attendance

Right Rev. Dr. Lt. Col (rtd) Bliss Agbeko, Moderator of the EP Church, in a sermon, said leaders must consider righteousness the key standard in their quest to deliver the aspirations of the nation.

The ceremony had the leadership of the Breman Mission International, German Christian faith organization that birthed the church, in attendance.

The Church in Togo was also represented by leadership, while the leader of the Church in Pakistan, who was also present.

A fundraiser was held towards the construction of a commemorative ultramodern conference hall complex for the Church, expected to be completed in a year.

Former President Mahama donated GHC 25,000 and announced a support package of 1,000 bags of cement from his brother, business mogul Ibrahim Mahama.


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