Kwami Eugene proudly wears the title of “Mmrantehene of Tepa.”

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Kuami Eugene, Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMA) 2020 Artiste of the Year, was installed as “Mmrantehen” at Tepa in the Ashanti region a few days ago.

He flaunted his new title on Showbiz360 with Chrystal, where he revealed his new name, Kwami Kente. And how he wants to be addressed now that he is a chief.

He said, “I have the name Kwame Kente because I represent Ghana, and I have a lot of property. I am a king, so what you saw recently was in Tepa. I was crowned the Mmrantehene. So if you need land, just come to me,” he chuckled.

“So you can now call me Nana Kwame Eugene,” Kuami Eugene added.

By Lordina Nayeram Bessie||Ghana

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