MTN Ghana’s Bright Conversations: Albert and Comfort Ocran share life nuggets.

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The Rev Albert Ocran and his wife, Comfort Ocran, took the fourth edition of MTN Ghana’s Bright Conversations to another level by sharing nuggets of life.

Speaking on the theme: ‘Building meaningful partnerships for a brighter future,’ the power couple said the root of partnerships is the spirit of collaboration.

They shared life experiences from a successful 28-year-old marriage noting that, transparency, mutual respect, and trust have brought them this far.

The Rev. Albert Ocran underscored the need for people to show commitment when working on any project or business.

However, he indicated that it is okay to move on from a failing venture or business when the need arises.

Rev. Albert Ocran who is also the co-founder of the Springboard Road Show Foundation said success could be in the next step when people are bold to take on new challenges.

“If the thing is not working don’t hold on and be emotional and think what will people say. Be honest, be bold, and reinvention is a very significant part of life,” he added.

On her part, Mrs. Comfort Ocran, the wife of Rev. Ocran advised young people to be vigilant when choosing life or business partners.

She explained that, although love is important, it is not enough for any partnership to succeed since it will not pay the bills.

Life is a journey, and as the elders say, on every journey that you start, sometimes you can go alone and sometimes you go with others. In the quest to go with others, look for someone or some significant person who shares your dreams, who understands you, who believes in you, who says that your joys are my joys, your sorrows are my sorrows.

Mrs. Ocran added, “And you as well bring yourself to the table because it is not enough just to ask somebody to show up and you do not show up.”


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