NGO entreats women to acquire technological skills

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Ms. Jannat Issifu, the Chief Executive Officer of WAN-Hive Ghana, a non-governmental organisation (NGO) has entreated women to equip themselves with technological skills to meet the current trend and demands of the technological age globally.

She observed women had a lot of potentials to develop themselves, their communities and the nation, but that could not be realized with limited knowledge in technology.

Ms. Issifu told the Ghana New Agency (GNA) in an interview after a day’s Consultative Stakeholders Engagement on the theme “Empowering Women through Mobile Application for Economic Development” in Sunyani.

WAN-Hive Ghana is an impact-oriented innovation organisation that is dedicated to providing sustainable mentorship and education for females in technology, leadership and entrepreneurship.

The meeting, jointly organized by Ghana Tech Lab (GTL), MasterCard Foundation, Young Africa Works, World Bank and the Ministry of Communications was attended by representatives of the Ghana Library Authority, financial and educational institutions, the Department of Gender, National Youth Authority and the media in the Bono Region.

It brought key stakeholders to outline skills gap, challenges, opportunities, strategies and collective policies for transforming the local economy to achieve sustainable development through digital skills and entrepreneurship.

The meeting was aimed at collating consensus on the potential and the role of technology in the local digital economy and also how it propelled youth employment at the community level.

Ms. Issifu said WAN-Hive had the priority of training young women and girls to acquire digital skills, entrepreneurship, business and leadership skills which could create employment opportunities and for expansion of businesses.

She said currently everything about development was digital and WAN-Hive had demonstrated its commitment in the Bono Region by training more than 200 women in entrepreneurship to be able to create their personal apps to expand their businesses.

Ms. Issifu urged women to change the mindset that application of technology was difficult area to explore for business activities and other things for progress in life and therefore stressed the need for women to be positive-minded with the confidence that they could achieve success in every field of human endeavour.

Mr. Emmanuel Owusu Ansah, Business Development Associate of WAN-Hive observed that high rate of illiteracy among women had been the challenge of women in Apps development to facilitate their businesses.

He therefore urged parents to prioritize girl-child education for them to perform like their male counterparts in their communities.

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