NPP MP Akuapem North gives birth in America

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The Herald, is picking up reports that Nana Dokua Asiamah Adjei, the Member of Parliament for Akuapem North constituency in the Eastern Region, has just delivered.

The Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, according to trusted sources delivered the baby in far away Texas, US last Saturday; 4th December 2021.

This will be her second child with Charles Bissiw, Presidential Staffer and former Secretary to the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Illegal Mining (IMCIM).

Nana Dokua Asiamah Adjei, is said to have been there in the last three to four weeks, meaning she was not at the approval of the controversial 2022 Budget and Economic Policy statement read by Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, although she was counted as part of the MPs, who were present in the House, on the day.

The report has left many stund and are asking if it is true that she wasn’t in the House, then who represented her and how did, Cyril Kwabena Oteng Nsiah, the Clerk of Parliament count her as present amongst the 138 MPs, including the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joe Osei Owusu

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The Minority members, who claim to be investigating the impersonation of Sarah Adwoa Safo, the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, will have to broaden  their net to determine whether Dokua was indeed in Parliament

At the time of the approval of the Budget, records show that it was only Adwoa Safo, who was absent from the House with permission.

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