Ofori-Atta’s performance: CDD Fellow fears the precedent committee hearing may set

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A Fellow at the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), Dr John Osae Kwarpong says he is hesitant a bit regarding the performance of the Finance Minister being part of the work of the 8-member committee that is investigating the Finance Minister.

He intimated that he is hesitant because of the precedent it may set that, when, for instance, there are no jobs, immediately the Minister for Employment and Labour Relations is called to question or when prices of food items are going up, the Agric Minister is quickly hauled for questioning.

Speaking on the Ghana Tonight Show with Alfred Ocansey on TV3 Tuesday November 15 regarding what transpired at the committee hearing of the Finance Minister on Day One, Dr Kwarpong said “The performance issue, I hesitate a bit because of the precedent that that will set, that going forward, let us say, if you can amass enough people in Parliament who think food prices are high and therefore, it is the fault of the Agric Minister, or there are not enough jobs and and the Minister of Labour and Employment is not doing a good job and it is his or her actions that had caused that, then you also ask yourself, how high or how low do you set that bar on the performance side as to when that can trigger a censure motion?”

“I am paying close attention because I will want to see how the Committee resolves all these issues when the full report comes out on the floor of the House. Already, the Counsel for the Finance Minister raised constitutional objections on whet the Parliamentary committee is the appropriate place to deal with the conflict of interest issues.”

SOURCE: 3news.com

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