Phone repairer jailed 14 years for posting lady’s nude pictures on social media.

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A 22-year-old phone repairer has been sentenced to 14 years’ imprisonment for sharing intimate pictures of a Lebanese woman on social media.

The Court presided over by Mrs Sedinam Awo Balokah convicted Doga on his plea and sentenced him to 12 years on the charge of sexual extortion.

Ghanaweb reports that State Prosecutor Chief Inspector Maxwell Lanyo told the court the young man was on June 9 contracted to unlock the phone of a Lebanese woman based in Accra.

The Prosecutor said while unlocking the phone, Doga went into the complainant’s phone memory and saw her naked pictures.

It said Doga sent the pictures to the complainant and demanded money from her.

The prosecution said the complainant then blocked Doga on her phone.

It said Doga then published the complainant’s naked pictures on Facebook and messenger.

Ghana’s new cybersecurity laws, brought in two years ago, have criminalised the publication of nudes for either revenge or blackmail purposes with a jail term of between five and 25 years.

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