Pope Francis will continue to be scrutinized.

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Pope Francis remains under observation this Thursday at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome after being admitted on Wednesday with a breathing infection.

According to a statement released by the Vatican the infection is not Covid-19.

Pope Francis is more exposed to breathing problems as he had part of one lung removed in his youth in his native  Argentina.

This latest unexpected spell in hospital has raised concerns among some.

“Worried but also sad, because this Pope is very human and also very close to us young people. He is a different Pope from those before him. So, yes, I`d say concerned and sad“, said Margherita, an Italian student at the Polyclinic.

Another Italian citizen, Antonella, added ‘’I have the Pope close to my heart. I am a believer, I am Catholic, and he represents God on Earth. What more can we say? Let`s hope that the tests return positive results. Let`s hope nothing happens. Nothing serious”.

Pope Francis’s stay in hospital is expected to last several days and comes ahead of the busy Christian Easter period.

SOURCE: africanews.com

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