Raytheon to Develop AI, Gaming Air Attack Planning System

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The US Air Force Research Laboratory has awarded Raytheon BBN a $25 million contract to develop an interactive artificial intelligence (AI) and gaming-based system that enables rapid evaluation of air attack options. 

Awarded under the Fight Tonight program, the system will leverage gaming technology to help operators visually identify the most effective option for an air attack.

Shortens Planning Time by Nearly 90 Percent

The system will also use layering — “building options and parameters onto a master scenario” — to identify “gray space” such as “adverse weather, an interruption of communications, or unanticipated adversary tactics.”

Moreover, its auto-exploration and AI assistance will shorten planning time from an average of 36 to four hours.

Dynamic Battlespace Scenario

“Today’s planning requires large teams of people to create a plan — often in a siloed manner— that is based on a likely scenario,” Raytheon BBN principal investigator John Myers said.

“But the battlespace is dynamic, which leads to obsolete plans once an actual engagement is underway.”

SOURCE: thedefensepost.com

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