Sorbonne honored Akufo-Addo for his commitment to peace, leadership in the fight against COVID, and free SHS.

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The implementation of the Free Senior High School programme is one of the reasons Sorbonne University conferred the honorary doctorate degree on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Also, the university said, his commitment to entrenching the values of democracy in Ghana, fostering peace within the West African Region and for the leadership shown in the fight against COVID-19 are the other reasons.

Mr Akufo-Addo on Monday, 10th October 2022, was presented with the honorary doctorate degree from one of the most prestigious universities in Europe and the world.

He was delighted to be in the company of Pablo Picasso, Kofi Annan, Amartya Sen and Nelson Mandela, as persons who have also received Honorary Doctorate Degrees from Sorbonne University.

This is the fourth honorary doctorate degree to be conferred on the President—the first being an Honorary Doctor of Law Degree conferred on him in May 2016, from the celebrated Fort Hare University of South Africa; the second, in December 2017, being an honourary doctor of humane letters degree from the University of Liberia; and the third, in May 2021, from the University of Cape Coast.

The President told the gathering that African leaders have a duty to build, together with their respective populations, fairer societies, where women and children, but also the most fragile, are treated appropriately.

According to him, “Societies where everyone, whatever their incomes, beliefs or ethnic origins, can have equitable and guaranteed access to the goods essential to the development of every individual and of society as a whole: access to water, food and quality care, access to energy, access to education, access, in short, to the decent life to which every free being can and must aspire.”

By Laud Nartey||Ghana

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