The government spends too much money on ECG.

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The Africa Centre for Energy (AECP) has said that the government is spending too much money on making the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) efficient.

Executive Director of ACEP, Benjamin Boakye says the ECG should be able to generate its own funds from tariffs to manage the operations in order to reduce the dependence on government.

He explained that last year, the government spent ¢1.5billion in making ECG efficient. In 2022 and amount of ¢14billion was spent.

These funds, he noted are more than what was spent on education, road, agriculture.

Speaking on the proposal by the ECG to the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) for upward tariff adjustment, on TV3’s News 360, Mr. Boakye said, ”First of all, these are proposals and, as is always done, when there is a major tariff announcement, the utilities will make proposals and the PURC will examine the proposals to do further engagement with stakeholders and determine what the optimal tariffs would be.” From where we sit, we do not see why the tariff would not go up.

“If you look at the last tariff adjustments and you discount that by just the depreciation of the Cedi, most of the payments are made in dollars, that alone, the existing tariff has got about 32 per cent value.

“That of course, would require that we recover the lost value. Beyond that, the under recoveries of ECG for 2021 was almost 50 per cent of their entre revenue requirement, which means that we need to find ways to recover how much they need to actually survive.”

He added, “We needed the government to pay 1.25 billion dollars just in 2021 to be able to offset the underrecoveries in the space.” If you combine that in 2020 under recoveries, we are talking about 14 billion of interventions from the government. That money was far more than we spent on education, infrastructure, road infrastructure, agriculture infrastructure, etc. We cannot continue to get that support from the government when ECG needs to improve its efficiency and given the right tariff for them to be able to reduce their reliance on the government. ”

The management of the ECG has made a proposal to the PURC to increase electricity tariffs by up to 148 per cent, covering 2019 to 2022.

The state power distributor also proposed an average increase of 7.6% in tariffs over the next four years to cover Distribution Service Charges (DSC).

The attributed the high increase in the Distribution Service Charges 

“The result of ECG’s tariff proposal for the next five years shows an approximately 148% increase on the current DSC1 in 2022 and an average increase of 7.6% year on year from 2023 to 2026.

“The high increase in the DSC1 for year 2022 could be attributed to the gap that has developed over the years between the actual cost recovery tariff and the PURC approved tariffs as well as the cost of completed projects.”

“Similarly, ECG’s proposed DSC2 shows a higher increase of 28.4% in the first year (2022) than that of the subsequent years’ increases by an average of 2% from 2022 to 2026,” it added.

The management of ECG also indicated that its financial sustainability is important as it impacts on the entire energy sector.

“The financial sustainability of the electricity company of Ghana is important as it impacts on the entire energy sector.” “With the huge investment needs facing the distribution industry over the next five years, it is expected that the proposed tariff increases would inevitably be approved to sustain efficient and reliable electricity service.”

“Over the next five years, the DSC will need to increase consistently (an average of 7.6%) to cover distribution costs. It is expected that the approved BGC would correspond with the commercial terms of PPAs (Power Plant Agreements) “it added.

By Laud Nartey||Ghana

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