There was no soldier involved in the car snatching syndicate – GAF

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According to the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), no soldiers were involved in the car snatching syndicate that was reported on social media.

A statement issued by GAF on Monday Janaury 24 said its attention had been drawn to several videos and pictures on various social media platforms of the arrest of a car snatching syndicate at Buipe who are alleged to have attacked and snatched a car from a victim at Tamale.

In the said videos and pictures, the statement said, one of the suspects is seen wearing a military camouflage uniform and has been described variously as a soldier of the Ghana Armed Forces. “We wish to state categorically that the suspect is not a soldier of the Ghana Armed Forces. The Armed Forces are worried about the rising spate of impersonations by civilians, either wearing military uniforms or posting fake pictures of themselves as military officers to defraud unsuspecting Ghanaians.

“The unauthorised sale of military uniforms and military pattern gadgets by some vendors contributes to this state of affairs and is inimical to national security.

“The Ghana Armed Forces is ready to cooperate with the Police to unravel the source of the military uniform in this particular incident and to stop the unauthorised sale of military uniforms across the country. Ghanaians should be confident to provide information to the security agencies in order to nib this trend in the bud.

“The general public is advised once again to be circumspect in dealing with persons who pose as military personnel. Please contact the Directorate of Public Relations on 0544338030 when in doubt.”

By Laud Nartey||Ghana

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