Unemployed graduate of STU before Court for GHC39, 220.00 fraud

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A 33-year unemployed graduate, Ibrahim Inussah was on Monday arraigned before a Circuit Court in Sunyani for allegedly defrauding the School Representative Council (SRC) of the Sunyani Technical University (STU) GHC39,220.00 through forgery of official documents.

Inussah, was charged with three counts of forgery of official documents, attempt to commit crime and stealing.

He, however, pleaded not guilty and the Court presided by Mr. Sylvester Nii Okine Ablorh granted him bail to the sum of GHC100,000.00 with two sureties to justify for him to reappear in Court on Tuesday, October 26 this year.

Police Inspector Emmanuel Sampson, the prosecutor told the Court the accused on January 19, 2020 presented a GHC5, 000.00 cheque with number 000003 for withdrawal from the SRC National Investment Bank account with the number 1107000202001.

Though the account is at the Sunyani branch, he presented the cheque at the Wenchi branch, he said.

P/Insp. Sampson said the Bank contacted the Dean of Students at STU over approval and was instructed to dishonor the cheque because the SRC had not sent the accused to make any withdrawal.

Sensing danger about the enquiries made about the cheque, accused escaped from the banking hall, leaving behind the cheque, a photocopy of his Ghana card and an old voter identification card, the prosecutor said.

On January 28, 2020, P/Insp. Sampson added the accused presented another cheque to Zenith Bank, Kumasi main branch to transfer GHC34, 220.00 from the SRC account to his personal bank account.

He said soon after the transaction, the Bank was prompted that the SRC had not authorised that transaction and the money was therefore reversed.

P/Insp. Sampson said on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 the accused came to the STU campus to collect his certificate where the Police was alerted and he was arrested.

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