We intend to take technology to grassroots – iValley Ghana.

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The co-founder of iValley Ghana, Prince Nabil Mahama, has said his outfit intends to take technology and innovation to the doorsteps of the people of the Savanna Region.

Addressing a crop of young leaders at the first ever Startup Summit for young entrepreneurs in the Savanna Region held at Damongo, the regional capital, he said there was a need for young people to identify problems confronting their communities and devise solutions to address those challenges with the help of technology.

According to him,the goal is to reduce business failures in the Savannah Region and equip the youth with capacity building and entrepreneural skills towards reducing youth unemployment in the region and Ghana at large.

He said the summit was in partnership with the GhanaTechLab after six weeks of intensive training in Mobile Application Development for 13 young people in the Savannah Region,adding that,” we started this program with 23 people,10 dropped out because of numerous reasons leaving these 13″.

The trainees after the six weeks were given the opportunity to identify problems within their communities and develop a mobile application to address the identified problems. Four groups namely: Smart Farms,Gyeeda, Savannah tours and delivery hub came up with various solutions to challenges surrounding farming, culture, tourism and food delivery in the Savannah Region for pitching. At the end,Gyeeda was adjudged winners and selected alongside Savannah tours and delivery hub for the incubation stage of the competition. A seed capital of Ghc200.00 was given to each of the winning groups to assist register their businesses.

Dr. Abdul Fatahi Kambala, a lecturer at the University for Development Studies and a Business Development Consultant commended iValley and its partners for the initiative.

He said despite the enthusiasm of the youth of today, there was currently a gap in knowledge between their frustrations and solutions available to address those frustrations.

According to him,the youth of society in this modern era need to change their attitude towards progress and be agents of change instead of victims of this change.

“We have to do something to change our attitude here and now. We all have to come together to make that change. The world is changing on a daily basis. We should be agents of change,but not victims of this change that is happening.We have moved from green revolution to industrial revolution. Now, information is what is bringing us the needed change and if we do not look for information and knowledge,we will be where we are. Progress is at the corner,”the good old lecturer stressed.

The headmistress of the Damongo Senior High School,madam Aluguba Mercy, who was recognized with a citation for her outstanding contribution towards women empowerment in the Savannah Region expressed joy that she was being recognized for the change she effected in society thus far.

She said looking round, she sees many of her products through the Campaign for Female Education and School For Life doing marvelously well in various fields of endeavors in society to the glory of God.

The gender advocate was however, not happy with the inferiority complex,lack of self confidence and stage fright exibited by most young girls of today and launched a passionate appeal for change.

Madam Amida Sibenlira,the CEO of Gyeeda and winners of the pitch competition was grateful to the Almighty God for the victory bestowed.

She thanked her other team members for the collaborative effort that led to the victory,whilst pledging that her team will double up efforts to connect to more investors to support grow their idea to reality.

Some groups of investors also expressed interest in partnering with Smart Farms to realize their innovative idea of changing the face of farming in the Savanna Region.


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