Winners of the 2022 Kwahu Marathon meet Kwahuhene.

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Winners of the 2022 Kwahu Mountain Marathon have met the Paramount Chief of the Kwahu Traditional Area, Daasebre Akuamoah Agyapong II.

The winners of this year’s 21-km marathon which took place on Easter Saturday, included William Amponsah who won the ultimate GH$2000 while Koogo Atia placed second with Ishmael Arthur having emerged third.

In the women’s category, Sakat Lariba placed first beating off competition from Kenya’s Emily Jepkoech (2nd) and Addo Noami (3rd).

Daasebre Akuamoah Agyapong II commended the winners for their efforts and hard work during the race, having emerged as winners.

Despite the challenges encountered during this year’s race, the Kwahuhene was optimistic that next year’s race would be much bigger and better with very juicy packages for winners and all runners.

He hoped that the race would in the future attract more foreign runners with top Kenyan long-distance runner Emily Jepkoech taking part in this year’s race.

The Kwahuhene further stated that the dream was to make the Kwahu Marathon an internationally recognized race with event organizers working closely with the Ghana Athletics Association to make this a possibility.

Mr. Edward Boahen, Project Manager of the Kwahu Mountain Marathon, further stressed that the objective was to promote sports tourism, unearth talents and give the Kwahu Easter festival celebrations a positive image.

He apologized to the participants for the various discrepancies that happened during and after the race, and assured them of a much improved competition next year.


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