You have a Finance Minister who has gone through the aches and pains – Ofori-Atta

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Mr Ken Ofori-Atta has assured Ghanaians that they have a Finance Minister who has gone through the aches and pains and nobody can really come and say the team managing the economy does not know what they are doing.

Speaking at a meeting with the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI) in Accra on Thursday November 3, he assured businesses that their best bet is Ghana, adding that they can all achieve successes in the economy.

“Just to assure you that you have a Finance Minister who has gone through all the pains and the aches, nobody can really come and say you don’t understand what we were doing,” he stressed.

He added “The questions is, what resources do we have? How we are going to deploy them in the nation that we have? How do you stand firm in very difficult circumstances by being very confident that the nation is purposed for greatness and you are blessed to have the opportunity to lead where we are going?

“Let me assure you all that your best best is still Ghana, we can do it, we should do it.”

By Laud Nartey||Ghana

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